Clarke Prize 25th Anniversary: Read the Lecture! The 25th Annual Clarke Prize Award Ceremony was held Friday, October 26, at the Lyon Air Museum in Santa Ana, California. The 2018 recipient, Dr. Janet Hering, delivered her Clarke Prize Lecture on Getting Water Research into Policy and Practice. Click here to access the the printed lecture online. |
NWRI is pleased to announce that Janet G. Hering, an American aquatic biogeochemist, was awarded the 2018 NWRI Clarke Prize for outstanding achievement in water science and technology. Hering currently serves as the Director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) and holds professorships at ETH Zurich and EPFL, two of the top universities in continental Europe. Click here and read the Press Release. |
Please join NWRI in welcoming Mary Collins, who has relocated from Seattle to join our team. Mary has more than 20 years of experience editing and writing content on scientific and technical topics including water resources development and remediation projects and environmental assessments. She looks forward to meeting new colleagues in the California water community. |
After serving 20 years as the "Voice of NWRI," Gina Melin Vartanian is leaving the National Water Research Institute (NWRI) to spend more time with her young family. Vartanian, NWRI's Communication Manager, edited or co-authored a number of NWRI reports, such as "Guidance Framework for Direct Potable Reuse in Arizona" (2018). Vartanian's last day of service at NWRI is July 13, 2018. For more information on Vartanian's career at NWRI, please read the press release. |
NWRI and Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC) are pleased to announce that the 2018 NWRI-SCSC Fellowship has been awarded to Mr. Amninder Singh of the University of California, Riverside. To learn more about SCSC’s Fellowship Program, visit |
NWRI and the American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) are pleased to announce that the 2018 NWRI-AMTA Fellowship for Membrane Technology has been awarded to doctoral students Michael Geitner of The Pennsylvania State University and Cassandra Porter of Yale University. To learn more about NWRI’s Fellowship Program, visit |
Beyond the Brink, the latest documentary from filmmaker Jim Thebault of The Chronicles Group, Inc., examines the water and food nexus, specifically addressing the severity and consequences of water shortage in California’s San Joaquin Valley, which supplies food to the nation and world. To rent or purchase Beyond the Brink from Amazon Prime, visit: |
![]() Fellowship: Final Reports from the 2016-2018 NWRI Fellows NWRI is pleased to share the 2016-2018 graduate Fellows' final reports. NWRI’s Fellowship program is underwritten by the NWRI Corporate Associates, American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA), Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC), and community partners. Access the reports at |
![]() We are pleased to announce the date of the 2018 Clarke Prize for Excellence in Water Research, which marks the 25th anniversary of the award. The Clarke Prize will be held on October 26, 2018, in Orange County, CA. Check out last year's Clarke Prize here: |
The Utility Branding Network recently released a new branding tool, titled “Branding in the Board Room.” The tool addresses issues that are relevant to both special service districts and municipalities, focusing on facilitating board meetings to maintain transparency and create substantive dialogue. It also provides a checklist of best practices designed to increase trust and support during public meetings. Click here to download the UBN tool.
The Utility Branding Network is committed to ensuring that water and wastewater agencies are trusted and that the rate-setting process fully funds utility operating costs and needed capital investments. The Network is managed by NWRI on behalf of water and wastewater agencies. To become a member of the Network, please contact John Ruetten at For more information about the Utility Branding Network, please visit |
NWRI Reports Top List of 2017 WE&RF Reports NWRI is pleased to announce that out of 79 reports published by the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation (WE&RF) and the Water Research Foundation (WRF), the top two WE&RF reports in 2017 were NWRI reports. WRF showcased these reports in its “By the Numbers” section of the “Advances in Water Research: 2017 Year in Review” publication. The two NWRI reports included: Risk-Based Framework for the Development of Public Health Guidance for Decentralized Non-Potable Water Systems and Potable Reuse Research Compilation: Synthesis of Findings. |
Southern California Salinity Coalition (SCSC) and WateReuse California sponsored the publication of a White Paper on “Accounting for Salinity Leaching in the Application of Recycled Water for Landscape Irrigation,” which provides guidance to the California Department of Water Resources on determining how much recycled water should be used landscape irrigation to prevent salt build-up in soil. Download the report from the SCSC here. |
Arizona Direct Potable Reuse Regulation Report Available WateReuse Arizona, AZ Water Association, and NWRI are pleased to announce the publication of Guidance Framework for Direct Potable Reuse in Arizona, a 2018 document meant to inform the State of Arizona as it develops regulations for direct potable reuse (DPR) that are protective of public health and effectively manage the state’s water resources. Download the report at |
NWRI Hosts First DPR Coalition Meeting NWRI hosted the first DPR Coalition meeting on February 1, 2018, at the headquarters of LADWP. The purpose of the DPR Coalition, which is producing a white paper, is to provide a framework for the safe and consistent implementation of a range of DPR applications in California. Click here for more information. |
The 2017 NWRI Clarke Prize Award Ceremony Videos and Award Ceremony and Conference Powerpoint presentations are now available online! Dr. Charles N. Haas of Drexel University received the Clarke Prize this year, for his excellence in water research. To watch his lecture, click here. The 2017 NWRI Clarke Prize Conference focused on urban sustainability, specifically potable reuse. To download the PowerPoint Presentations, login.
CA SWRCB Releases Report on Feasibility of Potable Reuse
The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has released their “Report to Legislature on the Feasibility of Developing Uniform Water Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Reuse." The report is based in part on the work of the Expert Panel administered by NWRI. Visit the SWRCB web site to download the report.
City of Santa Barbara: Subsurface Desal and Potable Reuse In 2015, NWRI formed a Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) on behalf of the City of Santa Barbara to provide expert peer review of the City's Subsurface Desalination Intake Feasibility Study and Potable Reuse Feasibility Study. The third meeting of the TAP took place on October 26, 2016. Click here for more information.
DDW Expert Panel and Advisory Group on Potable Reuse
An independent Expert Panel administered by NWRI is advising the State of California on the feasibility of developing criteria for direct potable reuse. NWRI also administered an Advisory Group that provided feedback to DDW on stakeholder issues. The final meeting of the Advisory Group was held June 15, 2016. Agendas and minutes from Advisory Group meetings are available at
Presentation slides are now available from the 2016 Drought Response Workshop, held May 16-17 in Irvine, California. Sponsored by California Department of Water Resources (DWR), Southern California Water Committee(SCWC), and NWRI, this event focused on drought planning, response, and mitigation measures. View and download the presentation slides at
Dr. Joan Rose, who received the NWRI Clarke Prize in 2001 for excellence in water research, was recently awarded the 2016 Stockholm Water Prize for her contributions to global public health through assessing the microbial risks associated with water supply. Rose holds the Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research at Michigan State University and regarded as the world’s foremost authority foremost authority on the microorganism Cryptosporidium, an intestinal parasite.To learn more about Dr. Rose’s accomplishments and World Water Week, visit
![]() Framework for Direct Potable Reuse - Ready for Download The document, Framework for Direct Potable Reuse, is now available to help state regulatory agencies and utilities develop guidelines for safely converting wastewater into municipal drinking water through the emerging process of DPR. It was sponsored by the WateReuse Association and co-sponsored by NWRI, American Water Works Association, and Water Environment Federation. To learn more and download the document, click here. |
NSF Workshop on Engaging the Environmental Community on Direct Potable Reuse - Presentations Available
A workshop to define the environmental community's role in implementing direct potable reuse (DPR) was held January 14, 2016, in Fountain Valley, CA. The event was sponsored by the National Science Foundation, OC Coastkeeper, California Coastkeeper Alliance, and NWRI. Click here to learn more and to access the presentations delivered at the workshop. |
NWRI Panel on Onsite Water Systems NWRI recently formed the Onsite Water Systems Independent Advisory Panel (IAP) on behalf of the project sponsors (San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Water Environment Research Federation, WateReuse Research Foundation, and WateReuse). The goal of the project is to establish guidelines that can be used by public officials in developing programs to manage and oversee onsite water systems. The Panel met recently with project stakeholders to identify priorities for research and review.
Seminar on Direct Potable Reuse - Presentations Available The Seminar on Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) in California was held September 23, 2015, in Berkeley, California. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss issues related to DPR that will be addressed by the Expert Panel organized for the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water. The seminar was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Robert Cooper, Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley and pioneer in water recycling. Visit the Seminar web page to download the presentations. |
This NWRI Independent Advisory Panel met on November 15, 2015, to continue its review of the West Basin Municipal Water District's Subsurface Intake Feasibility Guidance Manual. The Manual will be a tool agencies can use to perform a desktop feasibility analysis of seawater subsurface intakes based on case-by-case observations and available data from public or private sources. Click here for more information. |
Presentation slides are now available from the 2015 Drought Workshop, sponsored by the California Department of Water Resources, the Southern California Water Committee, and NWRI. The purpose of this workshop was to address drought planning, response, and mitigation measures. Click here to download the presentation slides.
We invite you to become a sponsor of the Clarke Prize Conference and Award Ceremony. The conference will feature presentations from Clarke Prize Laureates, water and wastewater utility representatives, and other well-known professionals in the water industry. More information about Clarke Prize sponsorship can be found at
NWRI has developed a webpage providing information and resources regarding drought from various workshops, projects, and conferences we have facilitated. As the western United States faces persistent drought conditions, these resources provide opportunities to address drought preparation and solutions. gateio
NWRI has released two Independent Advisory Panel reports that evaluate different aspects of recycled water criteria for the State of California. One provides conclusions as to whether recycled water used to irrigate food crops in California is sufficiently protective of public health, while the second evaluates the suitability of a potential analytical technique (BDOC) to assess water quality during the recycled water treatment process. View all available panel reports here.
If you are a company in the water industry, please consider joining the NWRI Corporate Associates Program, which promotes collaboration and information exchange between our corporate partners, member agencies, and colleagues in the water industry. Membership fees are used to fund NWRI fellowships. Click here for more information or to sign up.
For agencies considering the development and implementation of a challenging water project or program, an NWRI “Independent Advisory Panel” can provide the guidance and credibility needed to make appropriate project decisions and develop good public policy. Click here to learn more about the NWRI Panel process.
NWRI is seeking partners to hold conferences or workshops on topics in water, wastewater, and water resources. Our events are streamlined, cost-effective, and well-organized, with the goal of providing training and information to address relevant issues in the water industry. Click here for more information about holding a conference or workshop with NWRI.
This 20-page NWRI White Paper focuses on a case study in Southern California to highlight the potential benefits accrued for agriculture, environmental preservation and enhancement, and energy conservation through the application of direct potable reuse. The white paper was prepared by researchers at the University of California, Davis. Click here to download the report. More information about DPR can be found on our water reuse page. |