Briefings Newsletter
![Breifings Newsletter](images/BF1.jpg)
Volume 17, Number 2: Fall 2008
- Dr. Nancy N. Rabalais Awarded the 2008 Clarke Prize
- Workshop Sheds Light on the Use of Ultraviolet Disinfection in Wastewater and Reuse
- NWRI-AMTA Fellowships in Membrane Research
- Fellowship Students Gather in Washington, D.C. to Share Advances in Water Research
- Meet Our Research Advisory Board: Richard H. Sakaji, Ph.D., P.E.
- NWRI Member Agency Spotlight: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- Penn State Student Awarded the First Ronald B. Linsky Fellowship
- NWRI�s Newest White Paper Addresses Reliability Actions for Policymakers and Water Managers
- An Autumn Festival with a Watery Twist
- Report Available on Effects of Scaling and Colloid Deposition on Reverse Osmosis
- Remembering Dr. Kenneth K. Tanji, Irrigation and Salinity Expert
- O.C. Water Camp: Summer Fun with Water Science
- NWRI Holds Asset Management Workshop to Improve Utility Effectiveness and Sustainability
- Dr. James L. Barnard Awarded the 2007 Clarke Prize
- BNR Presents Environmentally-Friendly Alternative To Traditional Chemical Water Treatments
- The Clarke Prize Legacy: Research and Rewards in Water Science
- NWRI Remembers Dr. David C. White
- Students Share Advances in Research at the First NWRI Graduate Fellowship Conference
- NWRI Short Courses Inform Professionals of Current Trends in Water Treatment
- NWRI Member Agency Spotlight: The Irvine Ranch Water District
- "Looking Forward to 15 More Years of Innovation and Excellence" by Jeffrey J. Mosher
- Fourth Microfiltration Conference Highlights Operations and Innovations, Including Membrane Bioreactors
- Abstracts From Microfiltration IV Now Available
- Water and Sanitation Districts Honored for Reuse Project at Microfiltration IV
- The Life of Ron Linsky, Part 2
- C.W. & Modene Neely Foundation Supports NWRI Fellow at U. of Arizona
- Ronald B. Linsky 1934 � 2005
- The Life of Ron Linsky, Part One
- Memories of Ron
- Jeffrey J. Mosher Named Acting Executive Director of NWRI
- NWRI Sponsors Conference in China on Improving Water Quality
- James Moncur of the University of Hawaii Has Joined the RAB
- �Water From Water� Educational Series Now Available on DVD
- Dr. Menachem Elimelech of Yale University Receives 2005 Clarke Prize
- Food and Processing Company Cargill Becomes an NWRI Corporate Associate
- Fellowship Given for High Ionic Strength Waste Stream Research
- "The Value of Water" by Cheryl Davis
- Christina Fuller Joins NWRI as Administrative Support Assistant
- NWRI�s Newest Projects Focus on Reverse Osmosis and Fecal Coliforms
- Project Uses Dendrimer Nanotechnology to Improve Water Treatment Processes
- Texas Student�s Research Examines Precipitative Flocculation Processes
- Education Video on the Value of Water Now Available
- Workshop First Step in Improving Public Response to Hurricane Warnings
- Meet Our Research Advisory Board: Mark A. Thompson
- Roundtable Brings Community Together to Manage Runoff
- Meet our Research Advisory Board: Kenneth Tanji, Sc.D.
- Workshop Focuses on Developing WHO Guidance for Desalination
- PacRim Collaborative Research Partnership Begins Writing Proposal
- Thanks to Aspiring Writer Kristin Wehner
- Wisconsin Student Receives fellowship for Adsorptive Filtration Research
- Dr. Vernon L. Snoeyink Receives 2004 Clarke Prize
- NWRI Co-Founder Honored for Contributions to the Community
- Workshop Builds an Economic Framework to Promote Water Reuse
- Ashley Hyde Joins NWRI Staff as Administrative Support Assistant
- Bromate Project Tests Validity of Drinking Water Chemical Risk Extrapolation
- NGT Workshop Sets Priorities for Improving Subsurface Monitoring
- Symposium Encourages Quantum Leaps in Membrane Research
- Goodbye, Jack Jorgensen
- Shannon Cunniff Joins Department of Defense
- NWRI in 2003: A Summary of Success
- Report on MTBE Remediation Options Now Available
- NWRI Supports Henry Rodriguez Scholarship for Native Americans
- Student Seeks Heritage in Bureau of Reclamation Internship
- NWRI to Hold �Quantum Leap� Membrane Research Symposium
- Meet Our Research Advisory Board: Robert K. Bastian
- Groundwater Replenishment System Gearing Up to Make More Water
- Texas Student Receives NWRI Fellowship for Soil Physics Research
- Supporting Students of Science: NWRI Success Stories
- Conference Shows Worldwide Potential of Riverbank Filtration Technology
- Water Softener Project Focuses on Consumer Trends
- Chittaranjan Ray Receives Fullbright Award
- NGT Workshop Cleans Up CALFED Drinking-Water Goals
- Joint Scholarship Furthers Middle East Desalination Research
- Workshop Looks at Ocean as New Source of Water Supplies
- Summer Internship Adds Water Research to Student�s Environmental Concerns
- Dr. George Tchobanoglous Is Awarded the 2003 Clarke Prize
- Bellagio Workshop Promotes Interest in Membrane Technology
- Ground Broken for GWRS Microfiltration Plant
- Workshop Addresses Challenges to Water Reuse in Washington State
- From Rainwater to Radishes, Water Science Wins at Science Fair
- Visiting Scientist Tracks Pharmaceuticals in the Santa Ana River
- NWRI Welcomes Josie Mihaila
- The Value of Water in the Urban Watershed by Ronald Linsky
- NWRI to Publish Revised Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidelines
- NWRI Holds Workshop for Elected and Appointed Water Officials
- Workshop on Seawater Desalination Examines Opportunities and Challenges